10-minute video sample

      (‘abbreviated’ & censored previews are for this sample video only)

The  above  preview  video is  a  short  sample  of  the  1-hour-&-45-min.,  104-preview,  DVD  now  available  from  RAYLE  ARCHIVE  &  SCREENING  ROOM  Video  Productions  in  Lenoir,  North  Carolina  entitled :

                                 “ GRINDHOUSE  &  DRIVE-IN

                                          MOVIE  PREVIEWS “

                      ( all previews were transfered from 16mm film

                              to DVD at 525-line, SD broadcast quality )

For  more  info  and  to  purchase  one  of  these  DVDs,   click  on  the  link  below  to  go  to the Rayle Archive & Screening Room ‘Store’ :


                               >  RAYLE  ARCHIVE  STORE  <



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